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Founder & Chairman (2011-2014)

Ludovic Chan Chak Yu

Dear all,


As the founder of Green Club, it is my great honour to announce that the Club is approaching its fourth year at St. Paul's College. All of our past success depends on the committed, competent and capable committee board. Thanks for all contributions over the years.


The twenty-first century will see an ever greater demand for environmental sustainability, having the prerequisite knowledge in it would be vital for any success in the future and that is why Green Club is here to imbue a green mind-set in our new generations.


What makes our club unique? Perhaps our Global Connections, during my term of service at Green Club, we have established links with 13 local and global organisations that will ensure that members of the club are well-equipped to succeed in an increasingly complex world. With the introduction of Green Weeks and Eco Tours our club has achieved remarkable success and were well received by many members of school.


I would like to take this privileged opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to the following organisations and people in giving tremendous support to the club (no particular order)

  • Hong Kong Disneyland

  • Jane Goodall Institute, Roots & Shoots Hong Kong

Your support has profound meaning in the success of Green Club, and is invaluable to our future endeavours.

It is with mixed emotion that, I hereby announce that my post as a Chairman of the Club shall be ended on 30th September, 2014.


At the same time, I'm delighted to announce our new chairman, Tristan Lau and his team will begin their term of service for academic year 2014-2015 in October 2014. In due course, my team and I will continue to serve the club as consultant.


Tristan’s extensive extracurricular allow him to have a broad knowledge and experience base to draw from and build upon. This mark a new era of the club and I am sure that he will lead the club to reach new heights.


We are honoured to welcome him on board, and I hope you'll join me in wishing him a warm welcome when he begin his term of service next month.


Yours sincerely,


Ludovic Chan Chak Yu

Chairman of St. Paul’s College Green Club (2011-2014)

Founder of St. Paul’s College Green Club


Dear fellow school mate,

How is school life going? Boring? No worries! We are here to help you enriching your school life. Our club always provides our school mates with the best and meaningful activity. This year we continue our tradition of providing the best activity. 


Coincide with the World Environment Week on 3 June, we are going to hold the first ever Green Week for St. Paul’s College. Green Week marks the new era for St. Paul’s College green movement, we are dedicated to make real change to our environment through taking serious action. We strongly believe that education is the basic step for every great success. Therefore, in the view of this we are going to hold a Green Week consisting of educational activities and expedition, including Green Knowledge Quiz for the Junior Form, Eco Tour 2013 and Hunger Banquet etc. For more information please refer to the details listed in this booklet.


In line with the vision of the Global Classroom Programme of our college, the club has formally established links with international networks which aims at widening the students' global perspectives and building links between students of leading green schools around the world through various exchange activities and mutual visits. Until now we are active member of 4 global and local networks including the Green School Alliance, Disney Friends for Change and the UN DESD project school etc. Besides we established a new green organisation named Hong Kong Green Schools Alliance. The inauguration ceremony will take place on 26 June at Podium. We welcome all kind of participation no matter you are an individual or school. For more detail please visit organisation website


The end of school year 2012-2013 is drawing near, this year’s committee board is going to be retiring. The coming year our club go further beyond, every F.3 to F.5 students who are interested may have a chance to be the committee board of the club and make contribution to the school’s green movement. Hope this can bring changes to our school next year. Details of the open recruitment can be found on our website. 

As mentioned, I am not going to continue in the current position for another year. Don’t worry! I will try to find another way to contribute to our school green movement. Remember to think green and live green all the time. Hope to see you all in the near further.


Yours faithfully,

St. Paul’s College Green Club Chairman 





在短短的4 個月的上學期,我們已經舉辦以及參加了不同類型的活動當中包括:水運會回收活動,課室儲物柜的廢紙回收箱,每星期定期前往各班房收集廢紙,推出網上資源中心,網上報名系統,出席香港綠行者《黑猩猩的世界》首映禮,出席香港迪士尼觀鳥地圖啓動禮,出席聯合國教科文組織可持續發展教育課程,




                                                      環保學會會長   敬啓

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