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Plant Your Plant

1st Stage: St. Paul's College @ Wong Ming Him Hall

2nd Stage: St. Paul's College

                    160th Anniversary Exhibition Day

3rd Stage : Elderly Home Workshop

4th Stage: St. Paul's College Primary School


HKDL invited Dr. Jane Goodall, a renowned primatologist, to attend the premiere of Disneynature's Chimpanzee and to share her experience of environmental conservation with Project Green Challengers, their families and friends. The four representatives of last year's project also shared what they learnt at the Disney Kids and Nature Celebration at Walt Disney World in the U.S.

The idea of the project have emerged in March 2011, our project is 100% created by four form 3 students from St. Paul’s College, Hong Kong. I can surely say that we did not plagiarism.
With no doubt, our project has a substantial reach to all and it also instill in the participant a lasting impact and educational value. ‘Plant Your Plant’ is actually not too difficult to many people, neither to a 3 year-old child nor an 80 year-old senior.
The activity has implemented again after the first time on 7th October in our school. On the 160th Anniversary Exhibition Day, the project has served over 250 visitors. Our activity have good appraise from our participant and our school.

The name “Plant Your Plant” sounds green, what message do you want to bring out by the plan?
The title of our project is self-explanatory, ‘Plant Your Plant’. It implies that everyone in the community should have the obligation to solve the green problem. We hope to make our school greener and promote green living through this planting activity.

What is the theme of the project and expect how many people will join this project?
In the initial stage, we have invited 80 green ambassadors of our school to participate in this planting plan and make commitment to the environment protection. To reach the objective of the project “Friends for Change”.
Meanwhile, the aim is to have 160 participants at the end in response to St. Paul’s College’s 160th Anniversary Celebration.

We had implemented our project in our community primary schools, elderly centers again in mid-June last year.

Until now, more than 460 people had joined our project.

What is the specific feature of the activity?
We will give out seeds and a pot made with environmentally friendly materials. Participants tied their commitment towards the environment on their pot which symbolized that they swear to live a green life.  Participants can take the plants home as to share the joy of having green life and pass the message to their family or friends.

What is the idea of the project?
The project idea is to promote green power and to make pledges to protect the environment. Moreover, our school is lack of environmental awareness. Amidst the hustle and bustle of St. Paul’s College in which it is located, it still enjoys a certain degree of serenity completely uncharacteristic of this hectic district. It is rich with elegant historical buildings and landmarks such as the University of Hong Kong and the Sun Yat Sun Memorial Park. The extension of western MTR line and the district redevelopment may somehow heighten our awareness to the environment.



Plant Your Plant(一人一植物)的名字很綠色,期望計劃帶出什麼訊息﹖
計畫名稱是'一人一植物'。在社會上每個人都應該有責任來解決環境保護的問題。 計畫透過種植推動綠化校園,實踐環保承諾帶動綠色生活


Plant Your Plant(一人一植物)計劃主題是什麼﹖期望可以帶動多少人參與﹖
計畫初期在聖保羅書院邀請80名環保大使參加計畫,每人帶動一名同學參加種植計劃及作出環保承諾,以達致計畫目的Friends for Change,推己及人

到現時爲止已經接近465 人參加過本計劃。

校內環保意識只在起步階段,加上學校所在的中西區現正興建西港島線及進行港大的擴展工程。 環境問題值得我們關注。我們希望透過這次的活動,在社區間建設更環境保護取得平衡。同時我們希望這香港六大創新產業之一的環保可以在香港有更多人一起響應。您也一起來響應­環保吧!

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